The Stout is a twist between the Tutea and Tuna 1, Waka Kayaks and The Lammlers have brought to life a radical new design. This boat takes high end technical creeking to a new level. An aggressive design on a friendly hull shape (Same as the Tuna 1) that gives paddlers a nimble performance that isn't found in many kayaks today! This boat is so easy to boof that you'll find yourself toning down the need to pull so hard, enabling you to focus on more important technical things like timing and edge transitions. The Stout is friendly and allows for mistakes to be made giving you the time and ability to make quick adjustments and corrections. This is a huge advantage to paddling a shorter boat, if you find yourslef off line, it's easy to correct and get back online!
The Stout is slightly smaller and more aggressive than a Tuna2 but larger than a Tutea.

The "Puffy Stern" is a remix of the normal Steeze. It is the same boat coming out of the same mold...with a very slight change in the top deck of the stern. The extra volume is more or less just the scoop of the normal Steeze taken out for a flatter tail. The extra volume makes the kayak more comfortable in hard whitewater and adds a good amount of speed to the over all performance of the kayak. This is achived by the stern loading up less and pushing you straighter and faster out of holes and drops. It is only a slight modification, but the difference is easy to tell in boliy water and tough situations.
This Puffy Stern has become very popular with Team Waka, almost every one of our paddlers is using this as their everyday whitewater weapon! The playful nature of the Steeze is still evident and the ability to run even the scary class 5 is a unique blend to find in a kayak. You really have to try this boat to believe that this much speed, airtime, flow, and fun is possible out of one boat!